Saturday, November 27, 2010

Theater Whore: Megamind

I wasn’t too excited to see this film. I already knew that the animation wasn’t the kind I liked. Listen to me already bitching before I even name the damned movie. It’s funny because after watching for about five minutes I said to myself “This could have easily been a cheaper animated series or a live action film.” The way it looked seemed really flat at times.

Megamind stars Will Ferrell (Talladega Nights, Anchorman, Blades Of Glory) as, uh, Megamind. He is a villain that crashed to Earth only to land in a prison and taught that being good was bad. Brad Pitt (Troy, Fight Club, Mr. & Mrs. Smith) is Metro Man, also someone who crashed to Earth but landed with a rich family and grew up with everything that he wanted. These two grow up together and begin a rivalry that lasts for decades.

Tina Fey (Date Night, 30 Rock) is reporter Roxanne Ritchi with her goofy cameraman Hal played by Jonah Hill (Superbad, Get Him To The Greek). Hal has a crush on Roxanne that is not reciprocated. He believes that she only wants big, strong men. This comes into play later. Trust me. Oh, David Cross (Arrested Development, Kung Fu Panda) is Megamind’s helper/guardian Minion and is very funny is this role.

Megamind ends up killing Metro Man and realizes that life isn’t all that much fun without someone to battle. He comes up with the idea to create a new hero to face with terrible results. The movie gets way predictable from here honestly. I know it directed by the same guy who did Madagascar, which I couldn’t stand, but did they really need to add a dance number? Seriously.

This film has so much potential that it sucks that it just stuck the tip in and left. I mean, look at the names of the people in this! It attempted to ride a fine line between something kids could enjoy and adult enough for parents to not pull their hair out. I’m sorry, but after I saw How To Train Your Dragon any animated film that comes out needs to put their best foot forward or stay home.

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