Monday, January 10, 2011

Best Films Of 2010

In a year that seemed to start off rather week but finish ridiculously strong I kind of had to struggle to find ten films that I truly enjoyed. But try I did and this is what I came up with. These films range from action, suspense, drama, and animation. I don’t like just one style of film and neither should you. Let me know what you think.

10. Girl With Dragon Tattoo

Great film that had me sitting in the theater and just glued to the screen. There was no way for me to figure out how this movie would end and where it was headed. Ignore the sequels and the future remake and just watch this, the original.

9. Secret Of The Eyes

Would never have seen this if not for my worldly friend. I hadn’t felt this way about this type of film since The Usual Suspects
8. Kick Ass

This movie is about a kid who decides to become a hero with no powers backing him up. He gets beat up a lot. The end. Kidding. Nic Cage plays his role as Big Daddy so well you cant help but recognize his coolness. Fun film and worth checking out.

7. Black Swan

Mind fuck. Dancing. Lesbians. Craziness. Do I really need to say anything else?

6. The Fighter

One of the best films I have ever seen in my life!

5. Iron Man 2

Shut up, I loved this film and cant wait for the next one. Don’t even act like you wont be in line.

4. The Expendables

Shit gets blown up. People get stabbed. Men sweat and bleed all over each other. Oh, and there’s like one chick in there somewhere. But she don’t kill nobody so who cares?

3. How To Train Your Dragon

I loved this film so much and wish I had watched it in the theater. God, I loved this film!

2. True Grit

Not a single complaint about this film which is the highest praise my dark soul can heap upon a film.

1. Inception

There is no reason why you shouldn’t have seen this by now. What was with that top?!

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