Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ross Radio Show 6

In this head bobbing episode I start off with some Blackstreet and head into Keith Sweat, New Edition, Al B. Sure, and finish strong with some good old Michael Jackson. Click here to download this and past Ross Radio shows.


  1. I was probably the only person in high school that was not an Al B. Sure fan, but when he came out with "Had Enough" then I liked him. But listening to "Off On Your Own" this morning is cool. I dig it now. It's funny how time can change your mind about an artist.

  2. "Heartbreak Hotel" is a song I usually forget when I break out the MJ. It's so good, and yet I overlook it. Thanks for including it.

  3. I liked a few of Sure's songs but would never really wanna hear them until I was like in my late 20's. Not sure if its the lack of good R&B guys now that did it or what.

    And the verse of Heartbreak Hotel is what really gets me! That "sound" thats in the background. Like scraping or something? It just sounds amazing to me. Thanks for listening.

  4. I can't remember if it is on the Thriller album or pre-dates it. But the scary theme is cool, even though one would think the song title would mean so romance gone awry.

  5. Its credited as The Jackson's but come on. This is pure MJ. It was made in 1980.

  6. I'm lovin the old skool Michael...before he turned weird :)
