Monday, January 24, 2011

Theater Whore: Green Hornet

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit when I’m wrong. I mean, you wont hear it often so you better copy this down because it’s a very rare occasion. Like rarer than a sober Lindsey Lohan sighting. I liked The Green Hornet. There. I said it. I actually liked this film a lot.

It was directed by Michael Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind, Block Party) and stars Seth Rogen (Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad) as The Green Hornet and Jay Chou (Curse of the Golden Flower, True Legend, Treasure Hunter) as Kato. The story is basically consistent fuck up Britt Reid aka The Green Hornet is a failure to his father due to his partying ways and wasted life. Kato aka uh…Kato, is the repairman/coffee maker.

After the death of his father Reid decides that he and Kato should do something with their lives so they cut the head off his fathers statue and end up in the middle of a beating. Kato uses some badass kung fu skills where it looks like time stops as he is beating the piss out of people. It looked pretty damn cool. Meanwhile Green Hornet screams and runs. There’s one scene where I cracked up laughing.

Kato: Okay. I throw rock. You shoot gas. (looks back and The Green Hornet running away firing wildly)

Green Hornet: Every man for himself!!!

Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds, Water For Elephants) stars as the main villain of the story, Chudnofsky. Don’t make fun of his suits. You can make fun of his name, his age, or anything else. But making fun of his clothes will get you killed real quick. He is funny and scary at the same time and I just love this guy.

This movie had a lot of people I didn’t know were in it. James Franco, Cameron Diaz, Edward James Almos, and Eddie fucking Furlong. This was a fun movie and far better than I was expecting it to be. See it matinee I guess. I mean, its good but not full ass price good.

If you wanna see cool looking cars, people defying gravity, lots of jacked up ways to die, laughing at how some of these poor bastards die, and Cameron Diaz looking and acting better than she has in years, check this out. How can you not like a film where someone screams "Hadoken!" during a fight?

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