Monday, January 17, 2011

Theater Whore: The King's Speech

Just last night I watched The King’s Speech and goddamn I was impressed. Going into this I knew nothing about it except who was starring. Even now I’m not sure why I really wanted to see it. Yes, its being hyped as an amazing film by critics all over but that’s usually not enough to get me to see something. Hell, I still haven’t seen Up, Avatar, or Toy Story 3 and don’t have a real desire to. But for some reason I had to see this.

The girl at the box office (The Arclight Cinema) said that even though it’s a drama that there are plenty of laughs. I’m sure I raised my eyebrow when she said that. But that’s the thing. Even with dramas there has to be some light moments. I am almost done with reading this book Never Let me Go and it’s the most miserable shit ever and I am afraid to watch the film lest I hide all sharp objects in my house. You have to lighten the mood every once in a while.

This film stars Colin Firth (Bridgette Jones Diary, A Christmas Carol, A Single Man) as King George VI, a very unlikely leader with a speech impediment. Geoffrey Rush (Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Finding Nemo, The Warrior’s Way) is Lionel Logue, a speech therapist while Helena Bonham Carter (Terminator Salvation, Sweeney Todd, Fight Club) stars as Queen Elisabeth and gives one of her best performances ever.I forgot she could act thanks to her hack of a husband Tim Burton.

King George VI as I mentioned has a stammering issue. No, not just a few words either. Every time he attempts to speak, even to his young daughters, he fights to get every syllable out. I don’t know about my friend sitting next to me but I was willing him to spit words out. When he was angry he spoke quite clearly though. His wife was extremely supportive of him and fought to get him to the speech therapist whose unorthodox methods seem rather foolish but get results.

Guy Pierce (The Road, Momento, Count Of Monte Cristo) plays Kind Edward The VIII and I swear this guy can do no wrong in films. He was the only good thing about The Hurt Locker and he didn’t even make it past the credits.

This film has so many moments that will make you laugh, smile, tense up, feel sad, and just…everything! I loved this movie so much and seriously want to see it again. If I had seen this a few weeks ago it for sure would have been on my top ten for 2010. Great acting, directing, music, and feel. That’s one thing I forgot to mention. The film feels different. Its not bright and shiny and all HD-d up the ass. It really sets the tone for this fantastic film.

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