Monday, February 7, 2011

Theater Whore: Winter's Bone

Continuing in a current them of films that make you wanna shoot yourself in the face, Winter’s Bone is a film that shows the effects of having a drug making father who decides to use the house you, your messed up mother, and your younger siblings live in as collateral before skipping bail. The feel good movie of the summer, I say!

The film stars Jennifer Lawrence (Monk, The Bill Engvall Show, upcoming X-Men: First Class) as Ree Dolly. As I mentioned, she has it rough. Like, super rough. There’s barely any food. Her father is no where to be seen. Everyone around her is either high, sad, starving, or a combination of all three. When your meth addicted uncle named “Teardrop” played by John Hawkes (Perfect Storm, Rush Hour, I Know What You Did Last Summer) is the most logical person you know things are messed up.

Spoilers are indeed following this line.

Ree spends the movie going to various drug dens and houses of ill repute searching for her father. Either she gets no response, threatened, or told that he is dead. She doesn’t seem to mind all of this. Her main problem is that this guy left her to raise the entire family while she attempts to finish high school.

Eventually she asks one too many questions and pisses off the wrong people because she ends up with hot coffee in her face and waking u surrounded by hillbillies and covered in blood and bruises. She spit’s a tooth out and pretty much gets told that she’s gonna get killed. Teardrop comes to the rescue and they continue looking for her father though its pretty likely he’s dead somewhere. The sheriff who you don’t trust from the moment you see him played by Garret Delahunt (The Road, The 4400, No Country For Old Men) seems to know something but wont say anything.

If you’re into movies that make you smile, feel good about life, or have a happy ending then perhaps this is not for you. It was perhaps one of the most bleak films I have ever seen in my life. Maybe that was the point. The acting by Jennifer Lawrence was fine but nothing to write home about. And if you ever find yourself in a small boat with two redneck women and a chainsaw…jump out.

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