Friday, August 26, 2011

"Bad Ass Mofo": Samuel L. Jackson

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions." - Jules Winnfield Pulp Fiction

In this first installment of Bad Ass Mofo I would be ignorant, and probably hunted down, if I did not make Samuel L. Jackson the first entry. He is known by many names. Samuel L. Sam Jackson. Sometimes just Sam. Or as I like to call him The Man Who Freed The Goddamn Slaves!

                                            This is what it probably looked like.

He has played in many movies. Do I really need to list them? Fuck you. He’s been in science fiction, drama, action, and even love stories. I think he has been in some love stories. If he hasn’t he needs to be. Because we all love him.

                                                     Who cant love this face?

I don’t like Star Wars. Not a George Lucas fan. 90% of the reason I wanted to even see them is because Sam was in it. And not only did he appear in all these films he got his own version of the light saber. Everyone else got those punk ass red and blue ones. Or is it green? Told you I don’t like Star Wars. Mr. Jackson got one of his favorite color: Purple.

                                              No one denies Samuel L. Jackson.

Even if you don’t know his face you know his voice. I don’t know how you cant know his face though. Even Stevie Wonder knows his face. He has done voiceovers for cartoons and even the audio book for Go The Fuck To Sleep. Plus he’s the only person that can get away with this look and still look threatening.

                                              “I dare you to say something.”

A lot of people got turned onto (or turned on by) Sam Jackson when he played Jules in Pulp Fiction. He played a bad ass that quoted bible verses right before he killed you. I mean, I’m not a church going man but even if I didn’t know where the verse came from just the look on his face would tell me that I would be dead soon. His stare killed Dave Chappelle’s career.

                                                  He hasn’t been funny since…

Mr. Jackson is 62 and looks better than a lot of 20-something year olds I know. If you don’t think Samuel L. Jackson is a Bad Ass Mofo he will find you and beat you until you recognizes his badness. Don’t let that smile fool you. He will kill you twice before you hit the ground.


  1. He's 62?!

    Samuel L. Jackson is an incredible actor. He is enjoyable to watch in just about every role, including the corny ones.

  2. He is indeed a magical actor. No way in hell I would have watched Black Snake Moan if he wasn't in it.
