Friday, August 5, 2011

FAP FILES: The Vergara's

Sometimes there are things in life that are not fair. When Rosario Dawson dated Smith Jarrod from Sex In The City. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt being together. Ryan Reynolds working his way through my Spank Bank one woman at a time. Well, today I discovered something new to be mad about. Sofia Vergara has a hot young sister!

Who is Sofia Vergara, you ask? Oh, just her!

Yeah. Take that all in. She’s on Modern Family and a bunch of films I have never seen or don’t care to look up. What is important is that she is hot. Like, stutarded hot. Uncomfortably hot. There is nothing wrong with this woman. If anyone thinks she looks okay or not hot you need to turn yourself into the authorities because you are a fucking nutcase! A loon! A jive talkin’ motherless candidate for the psycho hatch!

And here is here sister. Look at her. Look at her! They are related. That is not fair. Why is it not fair? Just because. Her name is Sandra Vergara. Her sister Sofia is 39. Sandra is 26. Is there some other Vergara’s floating around that I need to know about?! Some 45 year old sister? 18? Tell me!

Oh, fap…

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