Sunday, August 28, 2011

Insert Coin: Altered Beast

                                                       “Rise from your grave!!!”

I know I always talk about how awesome the NES was but its about time I show some love to the Sega Genesis and one of my favorite games Altered Beast. This game was really fun and you got to be these buff ass guys who, uh, ran around almost butt ass booty naked and punching shit. This is the story.

“A Roman centurion who had died in battle is resurrected from the dead by Zeus, who ordered the warrior to save his daughter, Athena, from a Demon God called Neff in the Underworld. To become able to withstand the perils, the warrior gets the ability to absorb spirit balls who turn him into an Altered Beast, a part animal, part human creature of formidable force. Between each level are small animations giving the player glimpses of Athena's peril.”

So its pretty much a story about a soldier that didn’t do what the hell he was told to do by Zeus and is brought back from the fucking grave and told that he is gonna transform into various creatures in order to save his daughter. Actually, he isn’t told all that. He is just told to wake from the dead and do work!

                                                            “Fuck your plans!”

The game is fun and depending on the day of the week you would either make it to the fourth level and only die like once. And then there were days when you would waste like $2 in quarters just trying to pass the first level.

                                   This was perfectly normal back in the day.

When you collected all the orbs that just happened to be bouncing around you transformed into different animals. I doubt Zeus warned our heroes about this. You could become a werewolf, a dragon lizard type thing, a bear, and if you were just unlucky you just fought in the nude.

                                              “Hey! Hey! Get out of my way!”

I’d like to think that if I was brought from the dead and asked a favor that I would get a weapon. Nope. Besides being able to turn into monsters if you happened to get them damn orbs you were left to use punches and kicks to defeat demons and zombies. Oh, and did I mention limbless frogs that suck your face?

                                                                 This. Happens.

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