Monday, October 18, 2010

TV Slut: No Ordinary Family

This show has suffered from the same problem many other super hero based television shows have but in record time. Too many people with powers. The show starts with this family that doesn’t seem to get along all that well. Everyone in the house is distant or in a hurry to get away from each other. While on a trip in a bionic ass storm they crash land into the sea and everyone survives but the pilot. They arrive home and everything is business as usual.

During a shooting at the police station where Michael Chiklis (The Commish, Fantastic Four, The Shield)works (really with being in law enforcement again, Chiklis?) he catches a bullet. Everyone looks around like “Where’d the bullet go?” This is where I insert a heavy sigh. He discovers that he is strong, can jump high, and damn near indestructible. Yay for him. He immediately shows his friend Romany Malco (40 Year Old Virgin, Weeds, Blades Of Glory) what he can do by having him fire a shot at him.

The wife Julie Benz (Dexter, Boondock Saints 2, Rambo) is fast. That’s it. I don’t know exactly what the hell her job is but she finds out while being late for a meeting that she can run at over 700mph. Good for her.

The kids suck. I’m not gonna sugarcoat this shit. The daughter Kay Panabaker (Phil Of The Future, Monsters Inc.) can read minds (insert typical looking around while everyone’s thoughts are in your head shot) and the son Jimmy Bennett (Star Trek) can solve equations. They take teen angst to a whole new level of annoyance.

Did I mention that they will let anyone know about their powers? Yeah. The father lands on top of buildings with the force of a tank and leaves craters throughout the city and no one says a thing. He gets shot from four feet away and gets hurt yet a machine gun from ten feet does nothing. The mom runs super fast and causes tornado like winds…sometimes. The daughter and son…I don’t care. I just don’t. And they waste no time letting you know that there are other super powered beings and of course they are evil.

I don’t know about you but I am tired of shows having these super groups that don’t do shit! “We’re all evil and want to take over the world…eventually.” When there are a lot of supers in a show it doesn’t make it amazing when someone does something cool. You can catch bullets? Awesome. Guy over there can teleport. You can read minds? That’s nifty and all but this guy can make you shoot yourself in the face without being in the room.

If this show makes it to a second season I will be so surprised. When shows like Heroes and Smallville cant keep a good track record why do shows like No Ordinary Family decide to make the same mistakes as them so fast?

“When everyone’s super…no one will be.” - Syndrome “The Incredibles”

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