Thursday, September 8, 2011

FAP FILES: Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet is classy as hell. I sure know how to sweet talk the ladies, huh? Everyone fell in love with her after she starred in Titanic. I was like “Whatever.” Even though she did a nude scene it did nothing for me. She just looked like a regular chick to me.

It wasn’t until she was in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and there is a scene in which she has to coax Jim Carrey’s character from under a table. I am so not gonna go into explaining why any man has to be coaxed into being with Winslet but it happens. But the way she does it is what made me take notice of her. I was sitting in the theater not knowing what to do with myself after seeing this.

She does nude scenes and just doesn’t care. How awesome is that? What a free thinker. A pioneer. A champion of the world. A great human being. She shares her hotness with the rest of the world.
So screw all those “actresses” that act like they’re too good to show their nipples. Kate Winslet, super star, does it. Know what else? She looks like a goer, you know? Like she knows some things. Like she could do things. Magical things. Things that would get a man pregnant.

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