Monday, September 26, 2011

Insert Coin: Safari Hunt

“The game is similar to Duck Hunt for the NES, requiring the player to shoot at animals in a hunt. Safari Hunt has three levels and a variety of animals. The player must score a certain amount of points by shooting the animals with a limited amount of bullets to move to the next level. The three levels and animals included in each are: Lake: Duck, Fish and Rabbit. Jungle: Bird, Armadillo and Bear. Forest: Spider, Monkey, Bat and Panther.”

I’ve mentioned before when I was younger and instead of the awesome Nintendo Entertainment System (In-Ten-Doe as my mother pronounces it) I received a monkey ass Sega Master System. This game and Hang On were both built into the Sega with no cartridge. Safari Hunt was a game that prepared people for a life full of responses that did not match the issue. Because I don’t know about you, but when I see insects my first instinct is to blow its goddamn brains out!

                                     Appropriate response to spiders, right?

The sad thing bout this game is that all the animals seem to get along perfectly fine until I showed up ready to kill anything that moved. Literally. Even if the apples swung in the breeze I could take them out. In the first level you shoot ducks, fish and rabbits. Wait. Fish? Yep. You could pump a fish full of lead. I assume knowing that a fish died with a smoking hole in its side makes it taste better. As for level two there are birds, bears, and armadillos.

                                          Goddamn apple eating armadillos!

No, not armadillos! Yes, the animal whose natural instinct is to curl up into a ball and pray to Armadillo Jesus that you go away gets the same treatment as the world’s most peaceful bears. I even felt bad for shooting the monkeys and bats in this game. And what did you use to blast nature away? Oh nothing. Just this.

                                                            Biggity bam!!!

This looks way cooler than that bright ass gun for the NES. But it got stuck like a bitch constantly. I don’t know how many spiders got away from my death ray and me because the trigger got stuck inside the gun. And when it got stuck you had to slap the shit out of it which would then scare it into stunned silence. Sure, NES froze or flat-out wouldn’t work 75% of the time, but when it did it was amazing. Sega Master System just kept my thumbs in shape for gameplay on better systems later.

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