Saturday, September 17, 2011

Theater Whore: Trollhunter

If you take anything away from this movie its that trolls do not like gospel music. Trollhunter is a film about a group of young film makers that are trying to investigate random animal mutilations going on in Norway, which is where this movie takes place. I don’t want to use the terms that are being thrown around and easily makes a film like this dismissible like “mockumentary” or “found footage.” But that’s what this is but its done right for so many reasons.

People are comparing this to Apollo 18, The Blair Witch Project, and Paranormal Activities. This is a great disservice to this movie because out of those three movies I have seen two of them and its nothing like them. As the team, composed of Finn the interviewer, Kalle the cameraman, and Johanna the sound technician. While investigating they end up following a man named Hans who comes and goes at weird hours. They trail him which I strongly advise against.

They follow him to this field in the dark of night and start hearing this weird ass animal sound. This is when I say “Oh hell no!” and run back to the car. But of course they don’t. They stick around until Hans comes bolting out of the woods screaming “TROLL!!!” They all take off running with Finn getting bitten and make it back to their cars. They get back to their car and it is smashed. So what do they do next?

Go back the next night.

Before they head out Hans tells them to do as he says and not ask questions. They agree which means they will ask a lot of questions and not do what he tells them to do. He tells them to wash themselves in a stream and then rub this bar of “troll stink” on their bodies. Then he asks them if they are Christians since apparently these damned things can smell Christian blood and they attack it. They end up coming across this big three-headed giant woods before Hans hits with UV light which causes it to turn to stone.

They go on a couple more trips and come across a government agent that knows about the trolls and covers it up by having bears killed and blaming them for animal deaths and even tourists. He does not want to be recorded obviously. They even come across a bridge troll that Hans lures with some sheep and Christian blood. The troll does come out and attacks Hans who is luckily wearing armor. I swear I thought he was killed. They get a blood sample from the troll and take the blood to a veterinarian who explains how the trolls operate and why they explode or turn to stone.

Later they get stuck in a cave that was empty until the trolls returned and leave them trapped (and blasting them with farts). Kalle the cameraman starts freaking out more than everyone else and decides that this is the time to tell everyone that he is a Christian. The troll stink is wearing off and they start smelling his Christianity. They make a run for it Kalle ends up getting killed. They make it back safely and get another camerawoman who is Muslim. So she should be safe. Finn finds out from the veterinarian that he has rabies which is why he has been getting sick. They eventually track down a large mountain troll and have to fight him in a very tense and exciting battle.

This movie was very awesome and had me laughing, cheering, and screaming “Run, fool!” Like I said at the beginning this movie is a found footage film but its done well and there is no “shaky cam” which is the biggest fear of movie goers. Check this out. Its available on Youtube for $3.99.

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