Saturday, October 8, 2011

Theater Whore: Killer Elite & Midnight In Paris

Killer Elite is one of those types of films where you know its gonna be either bad or cheesy going in. We all know what types of films Jason Statham and Clive Owen do. Action. I mean Clive does has some very good films to his credit (Children Of Men, Sin City) as does Statham (Snatch, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels) but this movie will not be added to that list. Even Robert Dinero couldn’t save this nonsense from being one of the most convoluted ass pieces of shit I’ve seen in a while. I don’t know how they managed to take what could’ve at the very least been a fun film and made it complete garbage. I checked the directors movie credits and he has done two films including this one in seven years and the other was a short.

The basic premise that they take and beat until its unrecognizable is that Statham’s mentor Dinero is kidnapped and held ransom until he kills three specific guys. These guys are former members of a team that Owen was once a part of. Seems simple enough. Then it becomes a bunch of chases that aren’t cool, fights that are reminiscent of Michael Bay style directing, and far too many characters that are supposed to be important being brought in and killed before you even have a chance to give a damn. Don’t waste your time seeing this. Everyone involved ought to be ashamed of themselves for doing this horseshit.

Midnight In Paris is rare in that its Woody Allen film that I liked. It also has Owen Wilson whose face bothers me and Rachel McAdams who are two people I never see and go “I have to see this!” The movie is about Wilson who is a screen writer working on a novel. They are in Paris and he loves it but wishes it were during the 1920’s. His fiancée McAdams does not share his views and cant wait to get back to the states until she bumps into a guy she once had a crush on and his wife. The dude is a total dick but gets along great with McAdams. One evening at midnight while lost Wilson is picked up by an old fashioned car. He goes to a club where he meets artists and writers from the 20’s and is enamored. He leaves to get his book for Ernest Hemingway to read and the place disappears and becomes a Laundromat.

He meets more people the next night and he tells his fiancée and she thinks he has a tumor and is acting crazy. He tries to bring her but she leaves right before midnight and she misses out. He meets a beautiful girl and falls in love with her but she wishes she were in another earlier time. McAdams father hires a private detective to follow Wilson around too see what he is up to in the middle of the night. One night while walking with the beautiful girl they get into a horse drawn carriage and end up in the late 1800’s where she wishes to be and ends up staying. Wilson gets back home and tells McAdams that he thinks they should split up. They d and he meets another girl who he met that sells antiques (which is what his novel is about). There is a funny ass scene at the end where you find out what happened to the detective. Great film and totally didn’t expect to like this.

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