Monday, October 17, 2011

TV Slut: Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil

For some reason the only new cartoons I seem to like are completely insane. First Throwback introduced me to Phineas and Ferb and for weeks he’s been asking me if I watched Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil yet. I hadn’t. Why? I got like 1,200 blogs and a new TV. I was occupied. And half lazy. So today I finally sat my ass down and watched about five episodes and I have to admit that this is one of the most silly, crazy, fun cartoons I have seen in a long time. It centers around Clarence "Kick" Buttowski and the crazy stunts and life he leads. With the movies that Disney keeps putting out you’d think they would focus on making a really good animated film based off these latest cartoons. Or maybe they have like years ago and I have no idea what the blue hell I’m talking about.

His promoter and friend Gunther Magnuson seems to have mental issues and in the first episode goes bananas and starts growling and gets a huge veiny arm just to rip a small sign down so that Kick can use it to complete a dangerous ass jump. His evil brother (aren’t they all?) Bradley "Brad" Buttowski tries everything possible to either stop his brother from leaving the house or to get him in trouble. Whenever they fight the camera freezes and calls out the moves they are doing on each other which made me crack up laughing. I’ll add this to Recess and Kim Possible as some of the best cartoons to come out since I stopped watching cartoons every Saturday morning when waking up. Oh, and did I mention that the theme song is a riff on AC/DC's For Those About To Rock?

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