Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gossip & Shit November 12th 2011

Jay Z removed the Occupy Wallstreet shirts from his website since he was not donating to the cause. What cause? Damned if I or the people there honestly know. No one has flipped a car over there yet so I cant take them seriously.

Porn actress Sasha Gray read a story to a bunch of little kids recently which upset parents. Especially the wives whose husbands knew who she was.

Shayne Lamas and husband Nik Richie have a new baby girl and have named her Press. Because, you know, life isn’t fucking hard enough without being named after a verb! In case you’re wondering I don’t know who any of these people are either. I think she is The Renegade’s daughter.

Denise Brown, the late Nicole Brown Simpson’s sister, has called Kris Jenner (Kim Kardashian’s mom) a pathetic liar for the tales she is saying about their friendship. In the worst twist of fate OJ Simpson was represented by Robert Kardashian. Dun-dun-duuuun!!!

Vanessa Williams and Kim Kardashian are rolling together now. “Girl, don’t ever marry a baller!” Vanessa probably told Kim. Information that would’ve been useful months ago.

In a Rolling Stone interview George Clooney said that when he hurt himself while filming Syriana he felt as if he wanted to kill himself. Then he said “I wish I were George Clooney. Wait. I am George Clooney!” and all was right with the world.

Sylvester Stallone has a new $5,000 ink pen. Why? Why not?! I want a damn Rambo ink pen. It has skulls and everything. The drawback is that everything to write reads the way he talks. “Raaagh buh gubbuh numbuh!

Demi Moore recently had her 49th birthday. Well, 64% of her did anyway.

Zoe Saldana and her fiance have split. And so have my pants. Giggity!

Billy Crystal will now be hosting the Oscar’s. Goddamn it. This situation just keeps going from worse to worser. I am fully aware that’s not a real word.

Avril Lavigne got her ass kicked in Hollywood last week. It looks like Hulkamania ran wild on her face.

Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carrey made the mistake of trying to be funny. Said he tied balloons to a dog to see if it would float. Should’ve tied his career to it while he was at it.

Liam Hemsworth who is dating Miley Cyrus says there is nothing sexier than when they are eating and she has steak sauce dripping down her chin. Your girlfriend is a pig.

And for no reason Carla Gugino!

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