Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Fighting Words!": The Grove Theater

As I mentioned in my last blog I experienced something I’d never seen before. Follow me children as I begin my tale. It all started on Christmas night. Me and my friend went to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I don’t like leaving the house on Christmas. Everyone is still crazy and looking to take out the fact that they hate their family on unsuspecting victims. We headed to The Grove over by Farmer’s Market and got the last of four tickets available. We skipped on getting snacks and head into the theater.

I have to point out that a few months ago The Grove started doing like The Arclight and having you pick a seat before heading in. As soon as we fucking get inside an usher tells us “Its going down, ni**a! Every man for himself!” They didn’t really say that though they might as well. “Its now first come first serve.” So why in the hell did we pick seats then? We head to our original seats anyway and naturally they are taken.

We find some seats and wait for the movie to start. People are still coming in and they are getting more and more pissed off that they are here after picking seats to be with their friends and now find out that the theater that is now like 95% full. This was a sold out show on Christmas. The ushers are still telling people to sit where they can and people are getting loud.

The trailers start and people are yelling at the ushers and each other saying “This is my seat!” Eventually 98% of the crowd had a seat. Then these two…fuck. I cant think of anything else to call these chicks. These two cunts come in and start screaming “We ordered these tickets at 8 am! We aren’t moving!” People are shouting such polite things as “Sit the fuck down!” “Find a seat, bitch!” “Just sit the fuck down!

These people in the same aisle as them slide over making enough room for them to sit down. They don’t. The trailers end and the movie starts. Then stops. Everyone loses their shit. More ushers and people in suits show up. This one usher announces that there was a theater change. Here is what I heard.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The theater was changed blah blah blah and you can see another showing that yack yack yack like almost an hour from now bloop bleep Bjork and see the movie. Again, sorry.

More losing the shit. The girls sit and we think its over. Nope. Now the guys in suits are asking to see peoples tickets. If you are in the wrong seat you have to get up and wait against the wall like a fucking firing squad. A seven people family needs me and my friends seats.

Let’s go” I say. I’m so fucking over this nonsense. The movie should be over 30 minutes into it at this point. My friend, being calmer than I, handed me a ticket and said “You can leave but I’d like you to stay.” Damn women and their nice faces. I stay and we end up in our correct seats.

Now these other douche nozzles refuse to get up because they don’t wanna lose their seat. After five more minutes they get up. Everyone now has a seat because a few people have left. The movie starts and everyone cheers. Yay.

Fuck this theater for not being prepared for a crowd. I’m not sure where they fucked up. They didn’t oversell. They just flat out fucked up by changing the seating arrangement. Why sell tickets with assigned seating and then change it?

Normally when there is a fuck up like this I don’t like to blame employees. But fuck that. This time I am carpet bomb blaming the entire theater for doing some shit like this. It took me too long to settle down after this nonsense. The Grove Theater fails so hard.


  1. The theater should've comped everyone's tickets, given out free snacks, and apologized for being idiots. You're lucky this went down at The Grove where people were only verbally being jerks. Imagine if this had happened at Magic Johnson Theater.

  2. By the way, how was the movie?

  3. The movie was awesome. I posted the review right before this blog. Oh, and if this had happened at the MJT it would've been on the news and World Star Hip Hop.

  4. I would have "lost my shit" when they asked people to get up and go to the assigned seat, F-That!
