Monday, January 16, 2012

"Fighting Words!": Napoleon Dynamite Cartoon

I love how I attempt t trick myself into thinking things will work out. Work, relationships, and of course, the new Napoleon Dynamite cartoon on Fox. Let me state for the record that I did not like the movie. There was one scene (when his uncle hits him with a steak) that made me laugh but the rest of it was like being forced to spend 90 minutes watching what I knew was supposed to be entertaining but for some reason just wasn’t. It was bizarre for the sake of being bizarre.

I know that the movie was popular EIGHT YEARS AGO! Oh, you didn’t realize that the movie came out almost a decade ago? Well it did. That means that I was closer to the age of 20 than 30 and my Black ass is 32 years old now. So why did it take so long for this cartoon to come out? Who knows? But they sat and created it. I was watching the Sunday night block of cartoons with The Simpson’s which hasn’t been funny in almost ten years, Family Guy which was funny for the first time in a while, and two episodes of this cartoon.

The two episodes shown felt like someone said “What would it be like to expand upon the movie?” and the answer was “More of the same.” This character is a one trick pony and that one trick does nothing for me. Maybe if it tickled my balls a bit…I cant see this being a series that lasts more than a season or two. There are six episodes planned and they aired two the other night which means that in one day they are already close to halfway through their load. That’s just bad planning on everyone’s behalf. If you liked the movie then you probably liked the cartoon. I didn’t like either.

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