Monday, January 23, 2012

Insert Coin: Marvel Nemesis Rise Of The Imperfects

"The game begins with The Thing discovering alien invaders destroying a bridge. The Thing fights his way to the end of the bridge and finds another alien that has the same strength as him. The Thing smashes him and the alien reveals they do not want the humans; they want something the humans have. The Thing fights through the city defeating every alien he can. The whole city learns of the invasion and learns that the aliens have defeated Captain America, The Punisher, and Hulk."

Some games are hard. Some games are difficult. And some games make you question humanity for making a game that is so damned unbeatable! Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects is such a game. While this game was fun to play in the versus mode the story mode that you had to play to unlock everything sucked!

It didn’t suck because it looked terrible. It sucked because I couldn’t play the damn thing. It was hard! It takes a lot for me to play a game and give up on it. Ultimate Spiderman was one where I just said “Fuck you!” and stopped. After beating my head against a wall with this one I had to quit.

You could play a bunch of cool characters like Wolverine, Spiderman, Storm, Daredevil, Elektra, and Iron Man. Apparently you could play as Magneto, Captain America, Human Torch, and Venom. Too bad I never made it that far! I am looking at a game that I own that I have not completed!

The story mode, like I mentioned, is hard as fuck. Though you have all these characters to use during this mode you can only use one of them. So if there’s a level where I want to be Daredevil its like “Nope!” and I have to use Thing. He cant fly or shoot anything which means I have to punch enemies and get shot the shit up. It gets old real fast. Especially since the environment can be used as a weapon and gas tanks are as prominent as air.

The versus mode is cool because each character has a Mortal Kombat style fatality. Daredevil breaks folks necks, Wolverine goes nuts and stabs their heart, Elektra straight up commits murder, and Spiderman smacks the shit out of people.

The Imperfects are a group of villains that you have to use on certain levels of the game. Most of them are generic but one of them, Johnny Ohm, is badass. He’s a hillbilly with electric powers. Playing against him sucks ass since I didn’t know that I had to knock out all electricity on the stage to keep hi from powering up constantly. Once I figured that out…I still got my ass kicked.

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