Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Theater Whore: Contraband

Sometimes I write about a movie and its hard. Not because its bad but because it should’ve been good. I know that barely makes sense but you know how I roll. The trailer for this looked pretty cool what with the dudes with tape wrapped around their faces and everyone pointing guns at one another.

The problem is that in between all of this is flat acting, unbelievable shootouts, and ridiculously inescapable traps people are set in lies a movie about getting money in the most difficult ways possible. I looked up the director and I don’t know any of his other work, but he obviously loves Michael Mann.

The movie is about Mark Wahlberg trying to save his wife’s brother from being killed for almost getting caught by the cops and dumping some drugs. His wife played by Kate Beckinsale wants her brother safe after his drug boss played by Giovanni Ribisi rams him with his car.

Wahlberg gets a job on a cargo ship to head to Panama and smuggled $100,000 in fake cash to pay the dude off. He asks his friend played by Ben Foster to take care of his family while he’s gone. Which means he tries to bang her and accidentally knocks her out and thinks she’s dead.

Meanwhile in Panama nothing is going right. They have the cash, actually way more than they need, and after a shoot out with gangs and cops they manage to get back to the cargo ship just in time. Everyone in this movie is dirty, by the way. Not physically, but spiritually.

Like, each person has to swerve someone else. The young bastard who got all this trouble started played by Caleb Landry Jones leaves while in Panama and makes it back to the ship too. They hide the money and Pollack painting that the drug dealer they got the money from because they’re magicians.

Back home Wahlberg confronts Foster about the whereabouts of his wife. He says that she is dead. Wahlberg finds her in a thick plastic sack and being buried in cement. He pulls her out and she actually lives.

She actually lives.

So now Wahlberg has $10,000,000 in fake money that he sells for $3,000,000. Mind you they were looking for $700,000. He also gets $20,000,000 for the Pollack painting that the young fuck up brother that got this all started got from the back of a van being auctioned because no one checks the six foot tarp in the back of the otherwise empty van.

This movie had the potential to be a very good one. The idea was there, but the execution was just lacking like you wouldn’t believe. A really good cast that was given nothing to work with which sucks because I am dying over here to see some good movies.

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