Saturday, February 25, 2012

Theater Whore: Goon

I am not a fan of hockey. I have never been able to sit through an entire game and the most experience I have with it is my old ass NHL ‘94 game for my Sega Genesis. I would play the hell out of that game using Marty McSorley because if anyone bumped into him he would throw his gloves off and beat ass. This movie, Goon, felt like that.

It stars Seann William Scott as Doug “The Thug” Glatt. He’s a bouncer at a bar who is good at kicking ass. You’re not quite sure what is wrong with him. His parents mention an injury when he was younger that caused some brain damage. He’s seriously one of the nicest people I’ve seen in a movie. Yeah, he beats the shit out of people but he’s so nice to others!

After whipping a hockey players ass he is spotted and is invited to join a team. He skates badly but he can fight. Its like Happy Gilmore with a hockey stick. Wait. There was a hockey stick in that. Um…okay. His best friend supports his decision to play but his parents are anything but enthusiastic. His father is a doctor and his brother is a doctor and gay.

As he improves and is promoted into a new team he meets a cute chick (Alison Pill from Scott Pilgrim) but she has a boyfriend. She totally admits that she is a slut to him though. He likes her and is super innocent about everything, even when people insult him. His team is getting better with him but the guy who he is sort of replacing hates him. There is a nasty ass spitting match between this player and Doug’s best friend that is gross.

Doug eventually comes across the top fighter in the league played by Leiv Schreiber. He is a total badass coming off a twenty game suspension. During the final game they fucking go at it! The fight is not pretty. None of the fights in this movie are. They feel realistic and are fast. I have spent hours watching hockey fights on Youtube and when guys get KO’d and hit the ice its like “Oh, fuck that…

If you can check this movie out. Its not getting all that much advertising though it should because it’s a really good movie. I tend to like films based off of sports I don’t like than the actual sport themselves. Though I’m 6 foot 1 and Black I cant play basketball for shit. I treat football like wrestling. Pretty good at baseball and can switch hit. I was a beast at volleyball. But put me on ice and I have mere moments to live.

1 comment:

  1. My American friends' reaction to the trailer for this movie was "This looks great! We gotta go!". My Irish/English/Euro friends all said "This looks SHITE. Run awayyyy!". Let the culture clash begin...

    You treat football like wrestling? Sounds like you'd make a great rugby player.
