Monday, February 13, 2012

TV Slut: Being Human & An Idiot Abroad

Oh, my god! There is nothing on TV!” This has been a battle cry of mine for quite a few years now. There was a time when I had things to watch from 4pm until I eventually passed out during the replay of the 10 o’clock news. And don’t get me started on how much wrestling I was once able to watch. I am happy to say that I now have a few more new shows to watch!

While browsing the internet and bitching within my heart randomly I decided to check out some shows overseas. I ended up finding two new (to me!) shows. The first was An Idiot Abroad. It stars associate of Ricky Gervais and all around weirdo Karl Pilkington. This show is fucking hilarious! Its pretty much about a guy that hates everything different and traveling. So of course they send him all around the world to experience different cultures in the hopes that it will change his view.

The sad (and funny) thing is that this guy says everything that I think. In the first episode he go to The Great Wall Of China in Inglewood, CA. You ass. He goes to China and everything about the place bothers him. I know I would’ve had the same reaction. He hates the toilets. He hates the crowds. He hates that The Great Wall isn’t so great once you realize its been rebuilt at least twice since its origin. The next episode was India and he seemed to like it but hated the poverty and crowds. Everything he says makes me laugh and you should check it out if you can.

The next show, and I am loving it so damned much, is Being Human. I had seen billboards for this all over Sunset Blvd. and it sounded familiar to me. I ended up finding the original United Kingdom version and it is so damned good. The new version on the CW Network has a cast that look like supermodels which I hate. The original cast, while not ugmos, look like normal ass people which helps me enjoy it.

The show is about a werewolf nerd, a cool vampire who hates his powers, and a ghost chick that all live together. This could easily be a total bullshit story but its not. The werewolf is unintentionally funny and hides in the woods to change once a month into a beast after losing his original hiding spot. The vampire is fighting recruitment from other vampires while staying away from a girl he made into a vampire. And the ghost chick is trying to deal with being dead and he former fiancé moving on with his life. I’ll go more into this show after I watch a few more episodes but so far so good.

I am so glad that I have new shows to watch even though its through my damned laptop. I don’t care. If you have a chance to see either of these shows you should. They are funny and just remind me of the times when I couldn’t wait to watch something new and different.

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