Monday, April 2, 2012

Bad Ass Mofo: Jeff Goldblum

“I’m watching everybody, but I care mostly about me. So, I’m watching and thinking, ‘Good, Jeff. That's nice, Jeff. Yes, Jeff, go for it. Oh, yes, Jeff.’” Jeff Goldblum

Every few decades an actor comes along that doesn’t quite fit into a box. An actor that you look at and say to yourself “I can totally do what he does!” But you cant. You know why? Because you’re not Jeff Goldblum. And you’re not this weeks Bad Ass Mofo! This guy has been the strange yet awesome guy in many films and shows no signs of slowing down.

"Me? I'm doing nothing..."

In films like Independence Day he saved us from the invading aliens. If not for his smarts aliens would be using us for finger puppets. Is that what you want?! And though he was in a bunch of series his big break came when he starred in The Fly. I cant watch an arm wrestling match, which happens far more frequently than you’d imagine, without thinking of someone’s arm snapping in half.

I dare you not to be seduced by The Jeff.

Besides seeing dinosaurs eat people Goldblum was the only other reason to see Jurassic Park. He was the only person that was like “This is not a good idea.” But he stuck around because he knew that without him it would’ve been Land Of The Lost but more expensive. Which happened. That was a film. I hope he never goes away. I saw him once in real life and got lost in his eyes…

Which is fucking embarrassing in public.

Click here to see previous Bad Ass Mofos.

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