Monday, April 16, 2012

Gossip & Shit April 16th 2012

Guns N’ Roses got inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame but former lead singer Axel Rose is still acting like a total punk bitch so he skipped it. Have you seen him lately? Guh…

Lindsay Lohan was hanging out at Coachella when her dumb ass needed to be at home not being around any booze. She’s currently being investigated for assault and you know we’re about a week away from her doing something stupid.

Remember last week when I mentioned Amanda Bynes being arrested for DUI? Now she fucked her car up by backing over a curb while texting. Stay classy, miss.

By the way, did you see that video of Tupac at Coachella? That was some creepy shit.

A bunch of protesters were in front of Kim Kardashian’s clothing store because she wears fur. Doesn’t sell it at the actual store but since when has things like logic stopped protesters like this?

Woman (since I refuse to call her a rapper or a singer) Nicki Minaj aired her funky ass laundry about her dad saying how he was abusive and threatened to kill her mom when she was younger. Her dad is like, “Uh…none of that happened.

In more family drama, Courtney Love and her daughter Frances Bean have gotten into it on Twitter. Don’t you just love technology?!

I feel like a dirty old man when I look at Emma Watson.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting married. I already though they were. Go figure.

Mark DeBarge was arrested for drug possession because The Debarge’s are known for being in jail and songs I loved as a child.

Some dude was arrested for living in Puff Daddy Diddy Sean Combs P’s house. Dude was off his meds or whatnot. I don’t say “whatnot” enough. Or “kerfluffle.”

Spank Bank occupier Cherie Johnson (from Punky Brewster) owns a restaurant in Houston. Damn, she even looks hot wiping a table off.

A security company has promised to protect Octomom since the death threat she got after it was discovered that she was collecting welfare.

Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez are divorcing. Huh?! I obviously don’t know how this shit works. They are both already dating other people and have been for months.

According to the limits of his parole after being popped for a DUI, Bobby Brown cant get his drank on.

Kelsey Grammer got a tattoo of his new wife’s name near his beltline. You idiot. You never get someone’s name tattooed on your body unless its your own (which is weird) or someone who is dead that you know is a saint. You don’t wanna fuck around and get your grandmother’s name and find out she lynched Black folks in the 40’s. Hey! Someone’s grandmother did it!

Jessica Simpson is still pregnant.

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