Monday, May 14, 2012

Game Of Thrones Is Full Of Assholes

I was finally able to catch up on Game Of Thrones which is halfway through its second season. It is an amazing show with lots of great actors and drama. Since the show has started I’ve noticed that there are a lot of assholes on the show. Not just the regular run of the mill types we see everyday in our normal lives. But the kind that can end your life because they’re bored.

Enter King Joffrey.


This kid makes you want to slap him repeatedly. I’ve seen some real dicks on television but this dude wins everything. In case you haven’t watched this show and don’t want spoilers you should probably stop reading this right now. Still here? Okay. Joffrey is the product of an incestuous relationship between his mother and her brother.

If your brother looked like this you'd probably do it too.

That’s right. His mom and brother known as the King Slayer but who I call "Prince Charming" had sex all the damned time. One kid found out and got shoved out the window leaving him crippled. No, I will not explain who that kid was since this show has like a thousand characters in it. Every other episode some asshole shows up and you think he cant be topped. Like this guy.

This guy is begging for a dick punch.

Viserys Targaryen was willing to pimp his sister out to this tribe of savages so that he could once again be a king. This guy thought he was so badass but every time he ended up threatened he would scream like a little bitch. Not so oddly enough he ended up dying screaming like a little bitch.

Being glitter bombed was way different back then.

Back to Joffrey. Each time he is on the screen he is either smiling his creepy smile or looking like he just smelled a fart. Besides all of the cool things on this show like big ass wolves and dragons, a simple joy I get is watching Joffrey get slapped. Oh, it feels like getting a blowjob while using a Q-Tip to clean your ear at the same time!

Pictured: The best actor on television.

The best character on this show is Tyrion. He is actually the youngest brother of the brother and sister that are fucking and the uncle of Joffrey. He is sneaky as hell but not for the wrong reasons. There is so much backstabbing on this show its amazing anyway is still alive. He knows that his family has far too many enemies and wants to get out alive and that is starting to get more difficult with his dumbass nephew making new enemies left and right.

"Okay. Whose the asshole that gave him a crossbow?!"

This is a show you should be watching and the first season had the biggest fucking shock I’ve seen on TV in a while. I’m still hoping it didn’t really happen but it did. I have never read any of the books associated with this series so I have no idea how anything ends. I just hope Joffrey gets slapped a few more times before getting his head chopped off.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If there was a video game where you did nothing but slap and dick punch this kid I would buy it.
