Sunday, July 8, 2012

Theater Whore: Magic Mike

I celebrated the 4th of July by watching a bunch of half naked and in some cases completely naked men dancing on stage. This isn't something I did in real life. I watched the movie with Cam at the Arclight over in Hollywood. I wasn't dying to see this but heard from some reviews that it wasn't what I was imagining when I pictured what the movie was. That's half a lie because I saw more man than I could've begun to imagine!

That's a lot of man!

In the theater were a few gay male couples and one poor woman who couldn't find a friend who left halfway through the movie. Magic Mike is the story of Mike who is a male dancer by night and a bunch of other things by day. Mike wakes up in bed with two women and is embarrassed when he and one of the women he is sleeping with cant remember the other girl’s name. While working construction he meets this kid named Adam who gets in trouble for stealing a soda from the site and whose car breaks down.

"Now go and put your hoo-hoo dealie in her cha-cha."

Later that night Adam spots Mike in line at a club. Mike gets him inside as a favor and cashes in the favor by having him try to pick up these two young, drunk girls. He succeeds and Mike brings him downstairs to another club that is all about man meat. Mike meets Adam’s sister Brooke who always looks upset. Like always. She bitches about Adam staying out late and Mike seems interested in her for lord knows what reason.

Happy happy joy joy. Or whatever.

Brooke ends up seeing her brother and Mike perform and ends up leaving. The thing I liked is that they show that time passes. This all doesn’t take place in a week or two so when people begin to change and act differently towards each other it makes sense. During the movie Joanna, Mike’s fuck buddy, comes in and out of his life. He has feelings for her but she tells him not to ask questions and leave things as the way they are. Mike’s boss, Dallas, has plans for them to take their show to Miami and give Mike a percentage of the business. Not as much as he thought, but some.

Things start to spiral out of control as Adam know known as The Kid becomes popular and dives headfirst into drinking and drugs at the tender age of 19. Adam gets into selling drugs with the club DJ and ends up leaving them at a home they stripped at. Oh, they left them because Adam gave the birthday girl some ecstasy and her boyfriend got pissed. There’s a brawl and Mike and Adam book it. The DJ, Tobias, and some men trash Mike’s house looking for them. Adam said the pills were worth $1,000 when its actually $10,000. Mike gives almost all of his savings to save Adam who jokes about it. Adam lets it slip that Dallas is giving Adam a huge cut of the new club instead of Mike.

Mike is tired of his lifestyle, being broke, and unappreciated. He spots Joanna having dinner and in an awkward ass moment finds out that she is engaged. Mike ends up quitting stripping and is replaced by Adam. Mike heads back to Brooke and apologizes for fucking up and not protecting Adam the way he promised her. Yeah, I didn’t mention that Adam overdosed, has been having random sex, getting drunk nightly, and being a dick. Brooke is all like “Okay…now I am the moist” and they touch hands.

Cue sad Hulk music.

I’ve told people that I saw this movie and they seem disgusted. People know that I don’t like Channing Tatum but he seems to be turning over a new leaf since 21 Jumpstreet. Alex Pettyfer from terrible films was even good. There is nothing that I should like about this movie but I laughed and stayed interested the entire time. This is a good movie and I hope you check it out. Did I mention it only cost $7,000,000 to make?

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