Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Bad Ass Mofo": Bill Duke

This weeks Bad Ass Mofo is someone I actually saw in person when I went to a job interview back when 97.1 was, like, a thing. And I shit you not, this dude is intimidating. Sure he may be damn near 70 years old but I dare you to try and trash talk this guy. Duke is a cool ass actor, director, and writer. I usually cant remember his name but I always know his face. And it always looks the same.

I dare you to tell him he's doing it wrong.

Some people know him from Car Wash, some from Action Jackson. Me, I know him and will always remember him from Predator. Hell, you can only imagine how many people, particularly dumb ass men, that tried shaving their faces with a dry ass razor. And before you ask, yes, I was one of them. Before he gets killed--fuck you! This movie came out when my old ass was a child! I don’t need to put a spoiler alert! As I was saying, he gets killed but he loses his shit beforehand and swears to cut his dead friends names into the alien. I believed him.

He'll blow your face on. That's right. On.

He’s directed two less things than he’s been in. He’s directed Sister Act 2, Hoodlum, and TV series like Cagney & Lacey, Hillstreet Blues, and Fame. This guy is super multitalented and even though he seems pretty damned angry looking in films, in interviews he seems pretty nice. Notice I didn’t say in person. Remember the whole intimidating part? Yeah. I may have pooped a little bit which would explain why I didn’t get that job.

This man should be my father.

About 30 years ago Duke decided that aging was for pussies and stopped. Seriously, look at dude! He is almost 70 and looks pretty much the same as he did in the 1980’s! I think life is afraid of him and refuses to make him look any older. He’s still acting and scaring the shit out of thugs like he did in Menace 2 Society. Fuck, that was a good scene. If I was sitting across from him, I would admit to robbing myself! In 40 years if I can do half the stuff this guy has done and be a quarter as threatening, I will die chipper.

Click here for previous Bad Ass Mofos.


  1. I also remember him as a Blackmarket Kingpin in Battlestar Galactica (the modern version). Yet another scary character. He's not typecast much, is he? ;)

  2. I don't mind when some people are typecast. Like, if they fit the bill its cool. I want to see him in the next Expendables!

  3. This guy is in his 70s? Damn. Loved him in Predator, which one of my favourite films. That scene with the razor is for my money one of the most tense in any movie ever. Duke's quiet menace and thoughtful assessment of the situation is one of the best moments in the whole film. I had no idea he had such an extensive filmography.
