Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Bad Ass Mofo": Peter Stormare

I have to apologize for not doing one of these for a really long time. Actually, no. I don’t. Hollywood needs to apologize for not having Bad Ass Mofos! You have no idea how far I need to dig just to find a tough guy in films or one that is just super compelling. While trolling the internets as I do I stumbled upon someone who manages to stand out and be memorable in any film he’s in no matter how small the part…Peter Stormare!

"Is she really trying to...? Yeah. Just shoot her."

Dude was born in Kumla, Närke, Sweden and I can only pronounce two of those three words. He started off doing dramatic theater doing Shakespeare and shit. People started to know who he was from movies like Fargo as the sleaze ball blonde and the nasty ass eye doctor in Minority Report. Apparently he was in The Lost World: Jurassic Park but I’ll be damned if I can recall that. I was too busy shitting myself thinking of scientist creating dinosaurs.

Someone's gonna get the E-meter read...

Stormare has been in a bunch of stuff and as I list them you’ll be like “Oh, that was him!” Remember the Frogger episode of Seinfeld? He was in that. He was one of the nihilist in The Big Lebowski, a cosmonaut in Armageddon, the villain in Bad Boys 2, and of fucking course Lucifer in Constantine. He was such a creepy ass version of the Devil. Satan. Whatever. He has tar dripping feet and could slow down time! As punishment he took Constantine’s cancer riddled lungs and yanked them out just to make him live longer since that was a bad thing!

I cast you away, Lucif--oh. It's Stormare! Cool!

Splitting his time between New York and Sweden he continues to make appearances in movies and is even a musician. Why am I just now finding this out? He apparently is so good that Bono from U2 was like “You need to put together an album.” So he did. Because he’s that damned cool.

"It's true. I am."

He appears to have a manic kind of energy that religious people which makes sense because he is Christian and says that he has contact with God. He has said that he inherited his spiritual side from his mother who was a medium who inherited it from her father. I love when this guy just appears in things. He seems like a really cool dude to just hang out with but has the kind of face that makes you not want to get on his bad side. Then there’s the accent. Don’t fuck with people that have accents.

Click here for past Bad Ass Mofos.


  1. Never heard of him but he sounds really cool. Love those types of actors who show up in stuff and you immediately know it's going to get better just because you know he's cool from other stuff.

    I pronounce Kumla, Närke, Sweden as 'Kumaaugh Nauuughhh Sweden' because fuck Swedish words. I'm too lazy to try to pronounce funny words properly. I've read entire fantasy series where in my head, 80% of the characters have names like 'Faaauughl', 'Murraauugh' and 'Telaaauugh'.

    Would you consider English actor Ray Winstone to be a badass mofo? He was my first crush. I was about 10. Well, Adam Ant was probably my first crush but Ray Winstone was my first make-up free crush.

  2. My god you have some strange crushes. Winstone I had to look up and as soon as I saw him said "Oh, him!" Loved him in Sexy Beast. The thing is, I would love to add some new actors to this list but there arent any really. If I do Winstone I'd have to do guys like Charles Bronson and Steve McQueen.

  3. He was one of the best things about the first two seasons of Prison Break.
