Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mindfuckery Is Afoot!

This game came out with characters from Street Fighter and Tekken a while back and there was this one chick character that I saw and was like “Whoa, that is a fresh batch of hotness right there!” Oh, shut up. I can see you reading this with your judgmental eyes at the fact that I think a cartoon character is bonable. Well, damn it I can’t help it. I grew up looking at female cartoon characters and imagining them naked. Does that make me a sick person? Quiet. Now, the thing with this character, whose name is Poison by the way, is that it is not a female. That’s right. Poison is a man, baby!

This is what happens when you don't tip.

Now how did this happen? How did we get to a place where my penis discovered it would be battling against itself knowing that it found a transvestite, or futanari, hot? Well, years ago this character debuted in Final Fight named Roxy as a hench…person. Like most old fight games gangs of prostitutes would roam the streets beating people’s asses. But when it was coming out here in the U.S they were like “Punching women is bad, right?” and said “Oh, this is not a girl. This is a trannie so it’s totally okay to pummel it.” There has been debates about this chick…dude…person since the early 90’s.


Now, be this man, woman, or both, you have to admit this is an awesome looking character and not one you’d think would be in a fighting game unless that game was called “Rape Whistle” and this was the boss of the third level. Many gaming magazines have ranked Poison as one of their favorite characters because she/he is so damned controversial. UGO ranked her as thirteenth on their list of fifty video game hotties. Their word, not mine. That is a stupid word. Know what isn’t stupid? Cosplay.


That is the cool thing about nerd shit. Some girl will always dress like a character and 3 times out of 10 it will be draws rippingly nice. Of course there are some bad ones but I’m not posting those pictures. That’s what’s nice about having my own damn blog. This photo credit goes to We Run Hou and the model’s name is Maria Ramos. I normally don’t do credits like that, but seriously. Come on now. This has to be the best looking chick playing a man that is supposed to be a woman that isn’t real ever.

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