Monday, October 29, 2012

Babbling Old Man: The Day Of The Beast

Once again Beast Man recommends this film The Day of The Beast that is batshit crazy. It turns out that I had seen this poster somewhere before but never did any research on the film but while trolling Youtube watching Pewdiepie videos which everyone should do once a week one of the suggestions was the full version of this. So I watched it and damn this movie is nuts!

It starts off with Father Ángel Berriartúa letting another priest know that he has figured out when the Antichrist would show up. The priest wishes him luck and as they walk away a ginormous cross crushes the guy! Just fwap! I’m gonna refer to the main priest as Angel from now on because I’ll be damned if I’m gonna type his name more than once in this. So Angel heads to Madrid to figure all this nonsense out.

He thinks that he needs to be an evil bastard so that he can meet the Devil and kill the Antichrist before it can do what Antichrist do which I assume is watch Wendy Williams all day and force everyone to eat carrots while listening to Taylor Swift albums. So he steals from people, pushes a mime down a subway opening, and as a guy is dying from a car accident tells him he is going to rot in hell. He ends up at a record store where he meets Jose Maria.

This is awkward...

This guy is a metal head and tells Angel where he can see a show and tells him to stay at his mom’s place since she rents out rooms. He goes there and starts smoking and burns a cross into the bottom of his feet. He knows he needs to do more bad stuff to get the Devil’s attention. He finds this guy that hosts one of those speak to the dead shows named Professor Cavan. He and Jose tie him up and force him to show them how to bring the Devil. It requires virgin blood so Angel heads back to the hotel place and gets it from this chick Mina and gets his ear shot off by Jose’s mother in the process.

I saw the sign! And it opened up my eyes I saw the sign!

Well, the shit works because a goat shows up, stands on its hind legs, and hisses at them before walking away. The Devil lets them know that this is not a game and the priest begins to give up on his mission. By this point Cavan is on board. After more chaos caused by this priest including assaulting an officer, probably killing Jose’s mom, and stealing a lot of cars they come across these guys that have been setting people on fire and vandalizing shops.

Streets of Rage 4 is hard!

Cavan rejoins the group after leaving to do his show and shows them the place where the Antichrist will be born. Its these buildings that are shaped like the Devil’s signature. They head inside and the vandals are there with a goat and you hear a baby crying. Cavan is beaten as Jose and Angel get away. Jose is captured by one of the guys who turns out to be the Devil! He drops a laughing Jose from the building. Angel gets downstairs and ends up shooting the Devil and more than likely killing the baby. It ends with Cavan and Angel sitting in a park while Cavan bitches about his shows new host and how no one will ever know that they saved the world.

This movie was cool and seemed to never stop. Even the parts that would be considered slow were tense. Its not a super bloody film which was really surprising seeing as how around this time period that was all the rage. I looked up all the actors from this and all of them are still working and I’ve seen a few Guillermo Del Toro films with them in it like Blade 2 and Pan’s Labyrinth.

Click here for previous Babbling Old Man.

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