Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Can I Finish?!": Mockingbird Lane

Less than a year ago I wrote about the concept of a new Munsters series being made and wanted it stopped. Why? Because fuck nonsense, that’s why. Pictures have been released of the new series and I now feel comfortable since there’s no way in hell this show will make it past six episodes after airing the pilot. Its not even called The Munsters. Its called Mockingbird Lane, after their street, and is being helmed by Bryan Fuller. He has a record of shows that people like but get cancelled like Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies

The old series was funny and silly which is something that most shows aren’t anymore. Everything is dirtier and more realistic. Fuck real. Real isn’t fun. I want Frankenstein to be married to a witch and give birth to a werewolf with a vampire grandpa and a dragon that lives under the stairs. That to me is entertaining TV! Not a more realistic version that will do nothing but offer my childhood candy and then slap it across the nose Three Stooges style. Which has happened before.

F-f-f-fuck this!

You remember this shit? I do. This series was the equivalent of having a toilet seat covered with oil. It made no sense. The family woke up in the 90’s and had to deal with all the wackiness than ensued. Fuck this show for ever existing.

Aw, it thinks its people.

This new version has Jerry O’Connell as Herman Munster who is a not-Frankenstein. He’s more of a zombie that is slowly rotting. The shit is this fuck?! And you know how they always had nosy neighbors? This time she’s a paraplegic because equality! Yeah, let the neighbor what ain’t got use of her legs try to spy on the fucking creatures of the night next door.

Looking at the unemployment line.

There are enough shows on TV that are pure ass so I guess its fine that they add this one. Its supposed to air tomorrow night and I wont get to watch it as it airs but I’ll get drunk and watch it the next day because I’m trying to be more proactive in my hatred of shit that shouldn’t exist. Like possums. Creepy fucking things.

Click here for more Can I Finish?!