Friday, October 5, 2012

Theater Whore: Butter

Heartwarming. Okay, I said it! This is a heartwarming movie! Its not often I see a film that is this enjoyable that doesn’t involve a lot of blood, drama, or sharp objects being hurled at people. This movie Butter managed to sneak past my Social Asperger’s and touch me in my heart and not bikini zone like most things I see. I saw a trailer for this a few weeks ago and it seemed interesting but not something I would suggest to friends. Turns out I was wrong.

This is two stories in one that meet because of butter competitions. Destiny is a young girl played by Yara Shahidi who recounts the different families she has stayed with because she is an orphan. They range from an elderly couple that died at the same time to a woman that had her pick up prescription medicine for her. This leads Destiny to think all White people are weird until she is adopted by Ethan and Jill Emmet played by Rob Corddry and Alicia Silverstone. One day Destiny asks them to buy her some butter and she begins sculpting.

In the other story there is butter sculpting making champion Bob Pickler played by Ty Burrell. He is asked to step down after winning for fifteen years in a row. He is reluctant to but does and his wife Laura played by Jennifer Garner is having none of it. She decides to compete herself much to everyone’s surprise.

Her husband heads to a strip club where he gets a dance from Brooke played by Olivia Wilde. He promises to give her some money and they end up having sex in his mini-van. His wife, and I’m not sure how she knew he was there, rams his van with her car hurting his dick in the process. She tells him that he will help her compete. They have a daughter Kaitlin played by Ashley Greene who hates Laura since she is her stepmother. She is a typical angry teen. Oh, and she ends up sleeping with the stripper.

During sign up for the competition Laura enters followed by Destiny. Next the stripper shows up acting crazy as hell. Destiny creates a sculpture of Harriet Tubman while Laura makes an image of her family having dinner. Brooke takes her lipstick and puts a giant Scarlett Letter on it and says she found Jesus. Destiny wins and Laura says its because she played the race card.

Brooke shows up at the Pickler’s home and demands her money. Laura uses a guy she dated in high school that now owns a car dealership named Boyd Bolton played by Hugh Jackman. She sleeps with him to get him to lie about how Destiny won. Destiny agrees to another competition that will be judged in front of everyone there. I wont spoil how it ends but the sculptures they did will make you feel really sad while the other will make you laugh at how inappropriate it is.

This was a great film that hopefully more people will get to see. it’s a good movie that makes you feel good. There have been a few like this this year and that’s pretty cool.

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