Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Theater Whore: Flight

Denzel Washington is a national treasure. Seriously, this guy is just a ridiculously amazing actor. In his latest movie Flight the trailer made it look like this crazy action flick about a plane that is gonna crash and has to flip upside down to survive. That was pretty much all I knew about it and it wasn't enough to seriously make me wanna see it. I did want to but I wasn't dying to. Then Cam called and said “Is it too early to see a movie?” and I said it was not. So we headed to The Grove for a 10:30am showing.

Denzel stars as William “Whip” Whitaker who is a pilot. But before all that the movie starts off with a shot of a nipple. Not his thankfully. He wakes up and starts fighting with his ex wife over paying for their son's private school. He then finishes off his beer and does a line of coke. Next shot is this son of a bitch walking to the plane to pilot it. Oh, and the chick he was banging is a stewardess named Katerina. She is hot.

So Whip and his co-pilot start going through this turbulent ass weather and he is calm and cool through the whole thing. Probably because he is high as fuck. Despite protests from his co-pilot he gets through the weather and celebrates by drinking a few bottles of mini vodkas and orange juice. He then takes a nap and lets his co-pilot handles things. And the all hell breaks loose!

While he is sleeping off his drunkness the plane starts to fall apart. Engines start blowing up, passengers are flying, one dumb ass kid that should have died ends up having another stewardess killed because he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, and then Whip calls one of the others in to help him and the co-pilot who is freaking out a bit too much for my liking. I would’ve been like “Calm the fuck down you’re not helping the situation!” So Whip decides to invert the fucking plane and it works.

Whip wakes up in a hospital and watches cell phone footage of the wreck. They crashed near a church and out of 102 passengers 96 survived. One of the ones that died was the chick he was banging! His friend Charlie shows up and then he is spoken to by some official folks. Everyone wants to talk to him and are calling him a hero. His friend Harling Mays played by John Goodman shows up with drugs, booze, and porn for him because he is the best friend in the history of ever. Whip says he is not drinking anymore.

While having a cigarette in the stairwell of the hospital he meets up with this annoying crack whore who almost overdosed named Nicole. I hated this chick. She’s been in a bunch of films, her name is Kelly Reilly, and while watching I said to Cam “I need to find out where she is from because her Georgian accent is terrible!” It sounded like me when I do one! A cancer patient comes by and bums a cigarette and gives a very good monologue about life and what you learn when dying. Whip promises to visit Nicole when they are both out of the hospital. Ugh.

Whip heads to his family farm owned by his grandfather since reporters wont let him have peace. He meets with an attorney named Hugh Lang played by Don Cheadle. He tells Whip that blood was taken from all the crew, living and dead, and that they found traces of alcohol and drugs in Whip’s system which means he would be tried for four counts of manslaughter. Whip keeps trying to play it off and drinking more and more while Nicole, who is now staying with him tries to stay clean. Lang tells Whip that he can get the reports on his drinking and drugs erased and blame the plane and get an act of God tossed in during the hearing. Yay…?

I wont ruin too much more about this great movie but believe me when I say there’s way more than what I mentioned. I didn’t even touch on his relationship with his ex-wife and kid or how tense the damned hearing was. This was the first time I ever saw Denzel Washington and went “Wow. What an asshole.” Not literally because they actually show his butt in this. This was a surprisingly good film with an honest representation of what its like having an alcoholic in your life. Did I mention you see this woman nude?

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