Monday, January 28, 2013

Theater Whore: Silver Linings Playbook

What do you get when you combine Bradley Cooper who I’m not a fan of, Jennifer Lawrence who is dead behind her eyes, Robert Di Niro who hasn’t made a good film in years, and grab Chris Tucker from under whatever rock he’s been hiding under and mix them together for a film? An okay movie. Silver Linings Playbook is a movie I waited to see not just because I didn’t really want to see it, but because its been so raved about there’s no way it could live up to the hype. I went into this calm and open minded which you all know is hard for me to do. I’m judgmental as hell.

Cooper gets let out of treatment for bipolar disorder after being there for eight months by his mom. He’s supposed to be there later but she checks him out because she thinks he’s been there long enough. A guy he meets there played by Tucker tries to come along but it turns out he wasn’t allowed to leave just yet. He gets home and everyone comments on how much weight he has lost and upon meeting his dad sees all of his OCD behavior involving Eagles football.

Cooper is supposed to stay away from his “wife” and take his medication which he doesn’t believe he needs and that his wife will take him back once she sees how better he is. He goes to therapy finally and loses his shit when he hears “My Cherie Amour” by Stevie Wonder. The song is a trigger since he caught his wife banging a co-worker in the shower and he beat the hell out of the guy. He continues to say he doesn’t need medication and thinks that he is better and can control himself. He does a lot of self affirmation and honesty with people where he comes across like a dick.

At a friends house he meets Lawrence’s character. She is known as the town whore before and after the death of her policeman husband. He checks her out but tries to stay away from her because he continues to say that he is still married. After an uncomfortable dinner he invites him to have sex and he turns her down pissing her off. Apparently dudes are constantly coming to the house to try and fuck her so much that her parents answer the door angry with men.

This movie was alright but not one of the best films I’ve ever seen by a long shot. Will I watch it again? Probably not. There was nothing about it that made me go “Give this person an award!” Again, the movie isn’t bad. Its just not close to great. Out of the eight films nominated I've seen six and this wouldn't be in my top five. Like a lot of movies that deal with mental issues it seems to show that the cure for it is finding the right relationship. While love is great, most times the right dosage of happy pills is more effective. My biggest complaint is Jennifer Lawrence. She plays the miserable parts well, but she can not play happy. She does not have the ability to emote facially. Also, she looks way too young. Around the rest of the cast she looked like a teenager.

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