Sunday, February 17, 2013

Theater Whore: Life Of Pi

Me and East went and saw the movie Life Of Pi tonight in 3D over at The Arclight. Now out of the friggin’ nine films up for best picture I have seen eight of them. This is a record for me since there is always something that I just don’t wanna see or will see after the awards. This is my attempt to be more open minded. This is one of those movies that has been described as beautiful and/or life changing. Mostly beautiful. People have talked about the special effects a lot which made me ask “Uh, what about the story?” All’s I knew was that a dude was stuck in a boat with a damned tiger and fuck that.

This movie is about a guy telling his amazing life story. It starts with him talking about his childhood living in a French section of India where he was made fun of because of his name, Piscine “Pissing” Molitor. He was named after a hotel. He knew the formula for Pi and ended up going by that name instead. His father opens a zoo and later they are losing money and decide to move to Canada. Along the way the ship wrecks and he escapes in a lifeboat. Along with a zebra. And a hyena. And orangutan. And a tiger!

The hyena ends up killing the zebra which I get because that thing was just taking up space. Then the hyena ends up killing the orangutan which sucks because it was nice. Meanwhile Pi is just screaming at it to stop killing things. The tiger, named Richard Parker, is like “Enough with this shit!” and kills the hyena. Pi is terrified of the tiger but eventually they decide to not kill one another. Following some almost rescues, a weird man eating island, sharks, a big ass whale, the weather, and God trying to kill this poor Indian kid, he is rescued. At this point the movie should’ve ended but there was another long scene that just felt so out of place and took away any emotion you may have gotten while watching the film. The whole island scene was just a bit too strange for such a strange film and that extra scene made me wanna check the time.

The 3D is good at times. Maybe 15% of the film but having those glasses on (especially over my glasses I wear naturally) was a bit too much. This is a long film to have this on my face. The 3D wasn’t needed for most of this and even East said it looked better at times without them on. I got up for more popcorn since I was hungry as hell and took the glasses off and thought “Wow, this movie is way brighter than these glasses make it out to be!” Like most of the films up for best picture it isn’t terrible and it isn’t amazing. Yeah, the effects are pretty but its not like “Holy shit!” You can totally watch this on your nice TV at home without 3D and be fine. I might actually like it better that way.

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