Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nothing But Gossip August 14th 2013

Remember when Lamar Odom last his shit on that photographer after accusing him of cheating on Khloe Kardashian? Well, he will just have to pay for the shit he broke and will not do any jail time. Good for him. That cameraman was a dick.

Justin Bieber in an effort to prove he isn’t a dick posted a photo on his Instagram of him giving a homeless woman some money from his car. How nice of him. But still…he is a total asshole. 

Kevin Federline, the former Mr. Britney Spears, has gotten married for the third time. That makes this his third wife and he has five kids between them all. Pull out, man!

Stay classy.

A while back while Oprah was shopping for a gift for Tina Turner’s wedding while she was in Switzerland. Some clerk pretty much told her that she couldn’t afford the gift, Oprah told the world, and the clerk is getting shit for it. Now Oprah is saying she wishes she had never said anything. “I think that incident in Switzerland was just an incident in Switzerland. I'm really sorry that it got blown up. I purposefully did not mention the name of the store. I'm sorry that I said it was Switzerland.” Too bad, O. Millions of people listen to the shit you say and its now too late to backtrack. 

Famke Janssen who was just in The Wolverine had someone break into her home somehow and left a creepy fucking book on her bed. There were no signs of forced entry which makes this even weirder.

Creepy with a capital X!

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian still have not released pictures of their baby North West. At this point no one even cares and they just seem like weirdoes now. 

Rapper(?) Soulja Boy was kicked off a plane for not sitting his goofy ass down on a plane. I’m waiting for him to say it was for a racial reason. Let the countdown begin!

Chris Brown aka MC Chick Smacker had a seizure last week. Apparently he has suffered from them since he was younger but still his reps say he had one because “…intense fatigue and extreme emotional stress, both due to the continued onslaught of unfounded legal matters and the nonstop negativity.”

Beyonce got a haircut and looks way hotter!

Former Hollywood madam and creepy looking woman Heidi Fleiss is in trouble for having a shit ton of pot in her home. Close to 400 damned plants. She is being charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell, possession of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a home where drugs are sold/used. Wow. Good luck with that one. She however wasn’t taken to jail because she has a lot of expensive birds and was cooperative. Uh…okay. Drug dealers, be nice and have expensive animals. It’s the new get out of jail free card!

Paula Deen won her lawsuit where she was being sued for racial discrimination pretty much because the plaintiff, Lisa Jackson, wasn’t even Black. But the damage to her reputation is done. 

Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian may be having some trouble. A male model that says he messed around with her a few years back says that her first kid belongs to him and wants a paternity test. He should keep his damned trap shut. I know he may want to be famous and all that shit, but what happens if she tries to hit him up for child support? 

So much joy!

Amanda Bynes who is still getting medications to figure out what mixture will work for her and is now in the conservatorship of her parents got her dog back. You know, the one that was soaked in gasoline when she set that driveway on fire? Yeah. That one. Get that dog the fuck away from her, please?! 

Singer(?) Usher won the case against his ex wife over custody of their son. Yes, the one that fell into a pool and almost died recently. How bad of a parent do you have to be to lose to a guy that is never around your kid and damn near lets your kid die? 

Kate Upton is tired of people looking at her like a sex object, damn it!

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