Sunday, December 1, 2013

Theater Whore: Blue Jasmine

This is the other movie I saw with Cam. I didn't know much about Blue Jasmine except that Alec Baldwin and Louis CK were in it. No idea what it was about, when it took place, or anything. I am so happy to say that this ended up being a really good film with another perfect cast and directed by Woody Allen. Say what you want about the guy, his pervy strange ass makes some really good movies.

Cate Blanchett stars as Jasmine, a woman we all know. I actually got chills at certain points watching this as she reminded me of women I have come across in my life. I'll explain shortly. Jasmine arrives in San Francisco to stay with her sister Ginger (Sally Hawkins) because Jasmine's life has fallen apart. Her husband is gone, her son left her, and she is having breakdowns. Like for real's breakdowns. She and her sister were each adopted which comes up constantly and they are nothing alike.

They bicker back and forth and you can tell that Ginger is trying to be understanding but when Jasmine immediately starts drinking vodka (she is rarely seen not drinking) and keeps bringing up how she has no money but flew herself first class and has luggage that costs thousands of dollars Ginger is suspicious. There are flashbacks to fill in the blanks of Jasmine's life. We see her with Hal her husband played by Baldwin and they are stinking rich. She is worried that he is cheating on her but he calms her down with expensive jewelry.

You see Ginger with Augie (Andrew Dice Clay) come to visit and Jasmine wants nothing to do with her and Augie. They want them everywhere but near her. She comes across as a real bitch most of the time but everyone kinda handles her with kids gloves. This is someone that you can tell has been treated like a doll since they were young so when shit hits the fan they freak right the fuck out. Jasmine tells Augie, who wants to start a business with the money he just won from the lottery, to invest with Hal. Sadly...he does.

Since this movie jumps back and forth its hard to talk about it in a linear way because we see Ginger with her fiance Chili played by Bobby Cannavale. He's a lot like Augie and loves her and her two sons. He was supposed to move in until Jasmine showed up. Ginger's kids and Chili keep saying things like “Ginger told us you went crazy” or “Ginger told us your husband stole everyone's money...” Jasmine always reaches for a drink and pops a pill when its brought up. Yes, Hal ended up making Augie and Ginger lose their lottery money which ended with their divorce.

Besides being sexually harassed at her new job at a dental office, Jasmine meets this perfect guy named Dwight played by Peter Sarsgaard. So of course she lies about her past completely and when it catches up with her it is brutal to watch. Ginger ends up cheating on Chili with this guy she meets named Al played by Louis CK and breaks Chili's heart.

This isn't as sad as a movie as I may be making it seem. There are plenty of funny parts and people. But the parts that reminded me of people in my life...sheesh. There are people,not just women, that you know that need a combination of therapy and medication and when they are using neither but the wrong medications and alcohol that shit is a nightmare to be around. 

They don't know how bad it is because, well, they are the source. Blanchett played the part of Jasmine so well I was like “Is there something you'd like to tell us?” This was a great film and I suggest you check it out.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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