Friday, February 28, 2014

The Hate Can't Wait: Heroes Reborn

Remember that awesome show Heroes that used to be on NBC? That first season was one of the best seasons of a series I'd ever seen. I liked it so much that I bought the first season on DVD and re-watched it. Then the second season happened and I was like “O...kay.” Then the third season made me sell my first season DVD to 20/20 Video and I didn't even bother to check out the fourth and fifth. I didn't and still don't get how they managed to fuck up a show so badly.

I wish I could quit you! Oh, wait. I did.

Now there is a new Heroes Reborn series coming out which I guess you could consider season six. I say that everything dumb I've done I have done twice. I'll be damned if I do it six times. What does this show even have to offer to people who were fans of the show until it shat into our mouths like a bird feeding its babies? Nothing! Stop making this new show because nobody cares. I guess they can trick some people who never saw the show into watching or some poor fans who have managed to erase the silly ass twists and turns this show made. But not me. I do not have the luxury of a bad memory.

The original series had the potential to have at least three amazing series of television but along the way it started hitting so many stumbling blocks and eventually made the cardinal sin of anything involving superheroes: everyone became super.

But not super freaky. Nyow.

On every episode they would introduce someone new when you were still trying to figure out the backstory to someone else and others would pop up with powers just like someone else and villains would appear and I would wonder where this person had been hiding. Oh, they were working in the shadows you say? Yeah. Some lunatic with the power to blow up cities was just chilling somewhere waiting for the right moment. Sure. I got you. As you can tell I will not be checking out Heroes Reborn.

Click here for previous The Hate Can't Wait.

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