Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Theater Whore: The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie 8/10

The Lego Movie was very cute. I feel weird even saying that but its true. Its so hard for me to watch most CGI films nowadays because they feel like they have no soul to them. To me there is nothing like watching an animated movie that was hand drawn by people. But its difficult for me to even bother watching these new films because I'm an old man. New things scare me. It takes a special something for me to give a new CGI film a try and this one did because it has Lego's. I never had them and when I played with them I was terrible. But still. Lego's.

It amazed me that this was able to make me give a damn about a main character, Emmet, who is the plainest Lego toy. He's really nice and tries to be nice to everyone. The problem is that he is so nice and agreeable that he doesn't make an impact on anyone around him.

He meets up with this crazy ass action girl named Wyldstyle who believes that he is The Special; a being that has been foretold to help rid the world of Lord Business who wants everything to be the same and still by using this stuff called Kragle which is Krazy Glue with letters missing.

The music in this is good and there are a lot of funny parts. Batman in particular is really funny especially a scene where he shows off his new sound system and plays a song he made that had my ass cracking up. Its called Untitled Self Portrait that you can hear by clicking here. This is one of those movies I wish existed when I was a kid. There is a part that I won't spoil but I thought the movie jumped the shark but it didn't. It made it better and gave me chills...then made me wish my parents loved me. So then I was sad. But then something exploded and I laughed again! Check this out if you can. Its been number one for weeks for a reason.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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