Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Theater Whore: Frank

Frank 9/10

Its kinda hard to write a review about such a strange film like Frank because the plot can be summed up very quickly. A guy that wants to play music ends up recruited by a strange ass band that is fronted by a guy that wears a giant mask that he never takes off and madness ensues. There's more to this movie of course which is why I gave it such a high score. It was just a damned good movie to watch. H. showed the trailer to me a few weeks back and I had no idea what I was looking at. 

Domhnall Glesson plays Jon. He's a pretty average guy who lives with his parents, has a job, and is obsessed with making music. While at the beach he sees a guy try to drown himself. He looks over and this band called Soronprfbs end up recruiting him as a keyboard player. Maggie Gyllenhaal is Clara who plays a theremin in the band. She kinda crazy. Then there's Frank played by Michael Fassbender. As I said, he wears a giant head all the time, even when showering. He is the lead singer in this weird band.

The band head to a far away cabin to make an album for over a year. Frank refuses to start recording until they all get the song perfect. Most of the band don't want Jon there and see him as a bad musician and a bad influence on Frank. Frank likes him though so he stays. Jon keeps Twitter updates and loads video of the band on Youtube which gets them into SXSW to play live. Things are downhill from there but in a good way.

I don't want to give too much of this movie away but it has an ending that made me smile all the way through the credits. Even though the music and watching the process of the songs being is out there the end result are songs I'd listen to. This movie is playing in very few places right now and was budgeted through Kickstarter costing only $1 million. That's a lot to me but is close to free in movie making world. If you get the chance to watch this please do.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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