Thursday, August 7, 2014

Theater Whore: Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy 10/10

How did this happen?! I remember when I heard they were making a Guardians Of The Galaxy movie and I laughed. I thought that Marvel was scraping the bottom of the barrel with their movies. How could they possibly make a movie where the only character I know even vaguely is Rocket Raccoon and have it make any money or anyone give a damn? Turns out that not only did they make an incredibly entertaining movie, they made the best Marvel film to date. This was hands down better than any superhero team that has ever been made. I know that I'm talking it up pretty big but that's because its true.

This will contain some spoilers.

When this movie started off I was already taping my leg to the music. I'd heard folks talking about how good the soundtrack was and everything I heard was true. The music used for a space film was exclusively songs from the 70's and 80's. Trust me. It works. Then immediately the movie had a woman sitting behind me sniffling watching a hospital scene. Next thing you know...boom! Kidnapping by aliens! Chris Pratt plays Peter Quill aka only by him Star Lord. He's as he describes himself “an asshole but not 100% dick.” He was fantastic as Star Lord and made me interested in a character that I think I'd heard of before. He's funny, heroic at times, and made people in the theater cry. He listens to a Walkman he had on him when he was kidnapped with a mixtape his mother had made for him with songs she loved growing up. He has no superpowers but has weapons and gear that help him out that he got from these space pirates he runs with.

Zoe Saldana is Gamora. She is working with her sister for Ronin as Thanos' “daughters.” By the way, Josh Brolin as Thanos is creepy as shit. Gamora is an assassin but she isn't completely evil. Her sister played by Karen Gillan is though and is willing to kill her to complete Ronin's wishes. Ronin wants to destroy the galaxy since his planet and people, the Kree, have been boned. Gamora is totally cool and kicks all kinds of ass and watching her evolve in this was fun.

Dave Bautista plays Drax the Destroyer. He comes from a race that takes everything literally and have no metaphors which make up a lot of humor in this. I'm talking about real humor. There are parts of this movie where I was laughing out loud. He wants to kill Ronin for the death of his family and is on an almost suicidal mission to do so. He trusts no one on the team and with good reason. They're a bunch of damned killers and criminals.

Then we have Rocket Racoon and Groot played by Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel. Rocket has issues with everyone but Groot who only say tree words in different tones that only Rocket can translate: “I am Groot.” Groot is the more reasonable one of the two and tries to convince him to do good things. Again, each of these guys made people in the theater cry at some point. The cast also includes Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, Glenn Close, Benicio del Toro, Michael Rooker, and Glenn Close.

This movie has set the bar high for future films that consists of teams. I feel bad for that new Justice League movie that they are disguising as Batman Vs. Superman. This took five characters that I knew nothing about but created a movie that kept me entertained the entire time. Great special effects, great acting, great music, just everything was good. I cant stand it. I'll be seeing this at least one more time. Oh, I saw the regular version, not 3D. Go see this. Now.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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