Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Theater Whore: Gone Girl

Gone Girl 8/10

There will be spoilers! I finally got around to watching Gone Girl. I didn't know much about the movie except that Ben Affleck's dick was involved and that there was some missing woman. So I finally left the house and checked out this movie that people are saying is incredible.

Affleck plays Nick Dunne who is a guy that finds out that his wife Amy played by Rosamund Pike is missing. At first he doesn't seem all that worried, but later on everything he does makes it look like he is guilty of something. Everything. The way he smiles when his mother and father-in-law are at a rally to look for Amy. Pictures he takes with people. The way he talks. Everything screams “I did it!” At this point you really don't know if he did or not.

His sister Margo played by Carrie Coon is wonderful in this by the way. She is on her brothers side and never really liked Amy. A lot of this story is told through flashbacks as well as diary entries from Amy. It turns out that their marriage wasn't as good as it seemed on the outside. Amy resented her parents for making a children book about her life. They were both hurting from the recession. The bar Nick owned was doing badly. He shoved her to the ground during one fight. All signs begin to point to him killing her.

Police get involved and are pretty sure Nick is the killer. It doesn't help that he is keeping things to himself like the fact that he was cheating on Amy, knew she was pregnant, and hid letters she left as clues for a strange sexy hunt they had for their anniversary. More and more comes out that points to him being guilty. I'm like “Just confess!” But then it turns out that Amy is alive.

Amy is on the run. She has a full plan to set Nick up for murder while she changes her look and is pretty much waiting until he is charged for murder before actually killing herself. She moves into a trailer/cabin type place and ends up outing herself as rich by being a dumbass. She runs into the arms of a guy she had a restraining order against. This does not end well.

While this was a good movie it felt way longer than it really was. I was shocked to find out that it wasn't three hours long. The acting was good...until the last half hour. There was a point where if the movie stopped I would have been fine. But it dragged out and turned into a bad soap opera. It didn't fit the tone of the first two hours of the film and seemed so strange. I would watch this again but it isn't the must see movie that I was expecting mostly because of the last half hour of it. It becomes a David Fincher film. I could have just said that instead.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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