Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kinky Boots At The Pantages Theater

Last week Cam and I went to see Kinky Boots at the Pantages Theater. It is an amazing show about a kid named Charlie Price played by Steven Booth. After his father, the owner of the family business Price and Son, passes away after Charlie moves to London with his fiancee he reluctantly takes over the business. Mixed into this tale is the story of a young boy playing in high heels before his father screams at him to stop.

As Charlie tries to figure out how to keep the business afloat and pay the employees he attempts to stop a fight between two men and a “lady.” Charlie is knocked out and the lady is a drag queen named Lola played by Kyle Taylor Parker. Okay. This man can sing his ass off. Everyone involved was good but I'll be damned if I didn't clap like crazy after every song featuring Lola that much harder. Lola tells Charlie that she broke her heel on his head and Charlie mentions that he owns a shoe company. 

I should also point out Lindsay Nicole Chambers because she had me cracking up laughing with her performance.

I did not know anything about this play going in. I knew there were guys in drag, something about shoes, and thought it was based in New York so the English accents caught me off guard. After some shows donations are asked for and after this one I had to do it. I donated and bought me and Cam a shirt. 

If you get a chance to see it here in Hollywood or while it is on tour you really should. Live shows are entertaining in a way that movies can not be and I don't go to them often enough. 

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