Thursday, January 29, 2015

Theater Whore: Selma

Selma 6/10

I finally got around to watching Selma after the suggestion of a few people and my reaction was...okay. I already knew most of the information in this so I tried to watch this as a film and not attach myself to any inaccuracies for the most part. The look of the movie was good. Not a fan of the music, particularly when contemporary songs were used when so many good ones were around during that time period. Sure there are tons of copyright issues with that. But the film felt weird to me because of the acting.

David Oyelowo plays Dr. Martin Luther King and does a great job. Whenever he is on screen and doing his thing it is good. But everyone else seems like they were in a play. It felt like they were acting. When Oyelowo was doing King he was doing the damn thing. But everyone else was doing lines and it kept me from getting into the movie 100%. Also, the parts with the president or any scene where we really don't know what was being said by these people portrayed them like super villains. Not that they were good people because they were racist assholes. But it was over the top.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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