Friday, January 16, 2015

Theater Whore: Whiplash

Whiplash 9/10

Holy crap! Whiplash is great! Cam and I went to check this out doing a double feature of this and Inherent Vice which I'd already seen and makes more sense the second time. This stars Miles Teller as Andrew Neiman who is a 19 year old college student playing jazz. He is accepted into a class with a hard-assed conductor named Terence Fletcher played by JK Simmons. Going into this all I knew were the stars and drumming took place.

This movie blew my damned mind. I expected at the most some good performances and hopefully cool music. This movie had me literally on the edge of my seat during the last 20 minutes. I swear I thought JK was going to jump out of the screen and start slapping audience members. 

Teller is great in this and I went from feeling bad for him to hating him a little to wanting him to succeed. I can not say enough good things about this movie. It wasn't just good because I wasn't expecting a lot. It was good directing, music, and acting. You need to see this movie.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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