Friday, March 27, 2015

Theater Whore: Serena

Serena 0/10

Did you know that two of the hottest stars in Hollywood have a new movie out? Normally when two Academy Award winners who have both recently been in high grossing films are working together in a new film that have worked in a previous film together that people loved (but I hated Silver Linings Playbook) you can't stop seeing them all over TV doing interviews. But not with this film, Serena. You will not see a commercial or anything even though it comes out today. Why? Because it is fucking terrible.

This is based off of an incredible book with the same title written by Ron Rash that came out back in 2008. It is about a newlywed couple that works in the lumber industry in the 1930's. I know. Sounds boring. But I assure you that it is a great book. How come? Incredible characters! The movie? No. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence manage to have less chemistry than a school in Los Angeles. Every scene in this is rough to watch.

This movie takes a small part of the book and makes it the driving force in the film and runs with it. Just...runs with it until it dies. I'm not sure who is at fault with this. I have read people blaming the director, the writer, but no one is blaming the stars. I heard this was being made years ago and was shocked to find out that not only was it filmed, but released overseas last year, and then had its dry corpse finally dragged to America. No thank you.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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