Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Review: Spring Break (1983)

Coco suggested that we watch a movie called Spring Break that was made in 1983. We were supposed to watch Spring Breakers which is a very different film. This was still a fun movie that had everything you would expect from an 80's film. Silly story, bad guys getting punched, misunderstandings, and boobs. Lots of boobs. It starts off with two nerds named Nelson and Adam heading to Fort Lauderdale for spring break when one of the should be helping his step-dad get ready for an election.

When they get to their crumby room it turns out that it has also been rented out to two guys that are party and sex monsters named Stu and O.T from Brooklyn. They drink, party, drink some more, make out with chicks that are 80's hot which is 2015 okay, and fight against the step-dad that is going well out of his way to bring his step-son back. He sends to goons and a private investigator to track him down and shut the hotel down that they are all staying at.

This was a super cheesy film but still fun to watch. Way too many men in Speedo's, short shorts, and white underwear for my liking. Seriously. There is something extra special creepy about men in white underwear. They just look like trouble. Oh, we watched this on Crackle where they played the same damned commercials every few minutes.

Click here for previous The Review.

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