Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Theater Whore: Avengers Age Of Utron

Avengers Age Of Ultron 10/10

This will contain spoilers. I was thinking of giving this a 9 but that would mean that I thought Avengers: Age Of Ultron was really good but that there was something that made it not worthy of a 10. As of right now I can't think of anything that would make me do that. This movie was so damned good. On paper if you tried to tell me everything that happens in this movie I would say it was not possible. The movie would have to be four hours long, ignore most of the characters, or just be a mess. This was a little less than two hours and managed to introduce new characters well and make past ones shine more than they ever have.

This movie starts off with a bang. If you showed up five minutes late you missed one of the coolest action scenes ever. Its everything you would want as a comic book fan or a fan of these movies. The Avengers are on a country called Sokovia where they have found Loki's scepter. Inside this base they are raiding are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff aka Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. For stupid legal reasons they can't use those names.

After they get it Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. and Bruce Banner played by Mark Ruffalo realize that there is something in the gem that could have them continue a sentient being program called Ultron. Banner is reluctant to do it but it sounds like Stark is tired of fighting and wants to make a system that will fight threats and aliens for them. Banner and Stark try to get it working but its not happening. Later JARVIS begins taking to the Ultron program which is awake. It quickly kills JARVIS and inserts itself inside an old Iron Man suit and ruins a circle jerk the Avengers were having. Ultron is voiced by James Spader and he is so damned cool and creepy.

The Avengers along with War Machine just stand there watching this drunk ass robot stumble out of the lab and mentions that it killed JARVIS before it attacks everyone. Ultron thinks that the team is doing it wrong and that a huge chunk of humanity needs to be wiped out.

They chase Ultron back to Sokovia where it is gathering up Vibranium which is the material Stark's father worked on to make Captain America's shield. Ultron hooks up with Pietro and Wanda because they want Stark dead because when they were kids one of the bombs he created killed their family. The Avengers end up having all of their minds jacked up by Wanda and relive parts of their past and future which just wrecks them all in different ways. Hawkeye is having none of it.

One of the coolest parts of this is when we get to see Black Widow's past. Payed by Scarlett Johansson this is the best she has ever been in these movies. She tells Banner, who she now has a thing for, about her upbringing to be an assassin since she was a child. It sucks. Her childhood sucked. When you see this you get why in previous films she wondered if she could ever have a clear conscience. She had some of the best fights and acting scenes.

Hawkeye played by Jeremy Renner was also cool in this. He showed sides of himself that no one knew existed and pointed out that it was crazy that he was doing what he does. As human as Captain America is he has powers. Hawkeye is just a tough guy with arrows and he points that out.

Ultron begins working on a better body for himself which he almost completes before he is attacked by the twins. Wanda reads the programs mind and is like “We didn't sign up for Earth destruction!” and they and the Avengers get the robot. Back at the Avengers place Captain America is pissed that Stark and Banner are trying to work on it again. Thor shows up and blasts the robot with power to bring it to life.

Its the fucking Vision! He is voiced and played by Paul Bettany who has done the voice for all the movies. Its awesome. He starts kicking ass and quickly calms down. The team isn't sure if they can trust him but they shut up after he picks up Thor's hammer and hands it to him. Earlier everyone but Black Widow tried and could not move it. Cap moved it a tiny bit which worried Thor.

There is a ton of other cool stuff in this movie. I am sitting her trying to write it all out and there is so much left you just need to see it for yourself. I made sure to stay away from spoilers so a lot of things in this were complete surprises to me. This was so hard to do because I have the internet. I read how Entertainment Weekly and Lego spoiled the movie with pictures. I missed those.

There is a lot about this that I didn't mention including some other characters that appear. I think if I had any complaint it would be Thor. I am just not digging him but it isn't enough to change my opinion about this movie. Go see it along with the rest of the world.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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