Saturday, December 19, 2015

Theater Whore: Room

Room 8/10

There will be some spoilers. Last night Cam and I went to check out the film Room. I had seen the trailer and it looked like it would be a super sad and miserable film. While it was a dark subject matter the movie wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be. This movie is about a boy named Jack played by Jacob Tremblay and his mother Ma played by Brie Larson who live in a room all by themselves except for a visit every few nights by this guy known as Old Nick.

Ma tries to make the world in the room seem as normal as possible for Jack by having activities such as coloring, exercise, and the TV that they have. Ma tells Jack that the world on TV is not real and he believes that they are the only people in the world except for Old Nick. One day after his 5th birthday Ma decides to let Jack know that the world she has told him about is a lie. Jack has a hard time accepting this not just because he is 5 but also because the room is all he has ever known. The only outside they get is a skylight. Ma lets Jack know that she had a family, a life outside the room, and that when she was 17 she was kidnapped by Old Nick and for the last seven years has been held captive.

I wont get into how Jack and his mother are eventually freed (which they spoil in the trailer a bit) but it was a pretty damned intense scene. Cam liked this movie more than I did and after sleeping on it and thinking of it as the dentist drilled into my mouth this morning I enjoyed the movie more. This and Bababook made me realize that I can not deal with children that scream at the top of their lungs. This was a really good movie and I enjoyed it more when larger named actors were not involved. Its weird, but it felt less like a movie until they showed up. If you get the chance to watch this you really should.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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