Monday, January 4, 2016

Theater Whore: The Hateful Eight

The Hateful Eight 1/10

I finally got around to watching The Hateful Eight. I really did not like this movie. I can't figure out what there is to like about it other than it has a lot of actors I like in it. Most of it is a bunch of angry, racist people using the n-word every few seconds with extreme violence thrown in every few minutes. I remember this wasn't gonna be made when the script leaked a couple years ago. I wish it had stayed that way. Quentin Tarantino's last couple of films have been not even just not entertaining to me, but flat out just shitty movies with this guy that I used to say was a great director attached to it. If you liked this movie, more power to you. You got to experience three hours of joy. For me it felt like a huge waste of time.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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